Figuring out how to handle an affair is one of the most difficult things a couple may ever have to do. You may be thinking it couldn’t happen to us. Fortunately, it is a minority of relationships who have to deal with this issue. However, for those that do experience an affair in their relationship it constitutes a significant trauma.
Preparing the Family for a Move
Preparing the Family for a Move may conjure images of stacks of boxes. Though logistical tasks are important they don’t address all the expat’s needs. I recently wrote a guest post on Preparing the Family for a Move which appeared on the International Therapist Directory website that explores this topic in much more detail.
International Panic Day
If you are on the hunt for ways to better manage stress and anxiety you may be interested in an article I recently wrote for International Panic Day that appeared on the Psychology Matters Asia website.
How to become a Psychologist.
If you have ever wondered how to become a Psychologist in Australia you may enjoy a recent article of mine that was published by My Health Career.
Synthetic Drug Abuse
Synthetic drug abuse may be the next big wave according to some experts. Their formulas are constantly changing and little is known about their safety.
Strong Relationships Improve Your Health
Strong relationships help couples cope with stress as well as improve their heart health.
Anxiety and Worry : Life Hack #101
Quick tips to tackle out of control anxiety and worry.
Anxiety and Depression in Young People
The latest survey of Australian Child and Adolescent Mental Health & Wellbeing just came out and has some findings you may find surprising. With only around half of the young people with mental disorders receiving treatment we have farther to go to meet their needs.
Professional Burnout
Dan was featured in a recent article on how to deal with Professional Burnout. Read on for ideas on preventing and addressing burnout.