Having an occasional night of tossing and turning isn’t unusual. It can happen to the best of us. However, if you notice that it is becoming a pattern it is time to take note. In today’s busy world improving our sleep quality becomes extra important. It is easy for us to get run down and over committed.
Start Living Boldly!
Ask yourself what that big hairy audacious dream is. Leave that dream just as it is except label it a goal and figure out a way to get to there from where you are. You may just surprise yourself if you put your mind to it.
Living a Balanced Life
Living a balanced life is something many people would like to do. Unfortunately, this is easier said than done. Here are a few tips that may help you find a bit more balance.
Divorce is Seasonal
Divorce is seasonal according to recent research out of the University of Washington in the USA. If you live in Singapore and are considering a divorce you may want to check out the link to a recent article I wrote that was published by Angloinfo on how to get a divorce.