Do you need a tree change to freshen up your lifestyle? With all the changes to the world over the last few months many folks are asking themselves this question. My wife and I decided to make a change this year. That is in part why you haven’t had a post from me for a little while. As some of you may know my practice is now based in the Southern Highlands.
Rethink The Way You Work
It seems many people are starting to question the way that they do their work. With many of us working from home for a portion of the year it has caused companies to rethink what is required of employees. Some companies have made the decision to allow work from home arrangements for many of their employees. A tip of the hat to you Facebook and Microsoft. Others are reducing the mandatory amount of time required of employees who previously worked remotely a portion of their time.
Clarify What Is Important To You
Also, many people are revisiting their priorities and what is most important for them. This can be a very exciting time. It can be quite empowering when we realize what experiences we want to have in life. In a way, it helps much like reflecting on your values. Having the quality of life, you desire is very critical for one’s happiness. A tree change may be able to assist with your change in lifestyle. The idea of moving to a different location to be able to improve one’s mood is not a new concept.
Questions To Decide On A Tree Change
If you are considering a change in surroundings here are a few questions to help you decide if the time is right for you to take the leap.
- Is your current level of community connection right for you? For some folks they really want to know their local barista by name. Others prefer the anonymity of a larger city where they aren’t known.
- Are you looking for a different pace of life? Maybe having a slower pace of life in a small village may help reduce your stress levels. If you are the type that is bored easily this may be difficult for you.
- Would you like to be more involved in community events and organisations? There may be more opportunities to try your hand at some new clubs or activities in a new place.
- Does it sound exciting to reinvent yourself? When you move to a new place you get the opportunity to redefine yourself a little bit. You can view this as a fresh start.
- Do you expect the move to fix some problems in your life? You need to be honest with yourself on this one. It is like the old quote from Popeye “I am who I am”. Though you can have somewhat of a fresh start you are still the same person at your core. So, if the move is about running away be careful not to pack any demons in your luggage.
Once you have decided that a tree change is for you make the most of it. Consider having friends visit to help you explore the new surroundings. It may be fun to try out a new style of decorating in your office or home. Maybe even try out some new classes or join a club to get to know the locals. There can be a lot to explore. So, get out there have fun and embrace your new tree.
“A ship is safe in harbor, but that’s not what ships are for.”― John A. Shedd